The Power of Noticing the Good
For a long time I have been working with an idea (or at least turning it around and around in my mind) that takes brings together narrative, family systems, and spiritual counseling with expressive arts--the idea is that getting back in touch with all parts of ourselves heals us; telling the story about that heals us (and may touch others); telling the story and being with others increases our sense of purpose and helps us notice that we can affect positive change.
This morning I read this article, "
The Psychology of Satisfaction," and it makes several points that go along with this deep idea blossoming in me. It touches my best hopes for the basis for expressive arts therapy, as well as the core of my "Rose Journal Project" (the program I designed that takes scrapbooking and journaling into hospice).
Noticing and sharing the good makes more good--and helps us see that we have the power and ability to affect and increase the Good. Hallelujah. :)
Here's a link to a values assessment in the article that was interesting as well:
Rolling Away the Rock
The theme of renewed hope is springing up all over right now. It's the season; the growing, changing, blossoming nature of life. It's also the time in the Christian year when messages turn from the burial of life, the depletion of energy, and the absence of hope to an open door of possibilities, new life, rebirth.
It's easy to believe others when they tell us their lives are entombed in grief, illness, fear, or rejection. Feeling the cold damp interior of the cave, we come close to our own memories of entrapment. In the silent numbness, can we find and nurture the tiny bud of our own warm hope, a reminder of the growth happening for us outside the tomb of our own--and another's--despair? Holding on to that remembering, cupping it safely in our hands as we witness another's story, will help us move--with glowing hands--toward the entrance to the tomb.
Although we each may be responsible for rolling away the rock that blocks us from our own full, authentic lives, we can travel with each other, holding and nurturing the light we have found, in hope that it will illumine for each the steps for the other.
Helping Others Share Their Stories
Emma Curtis Hopkins says, "The soul doesn't need saving; it needs to be made visible." This really resonates with me in working with others who are telling their stories--and learning about themselves (and the pieces they've missed, forgotten, or rejected) along the way. I have written a book with my co-author
Mike Torres about a program that makes it easy--and free!--for people to begin sharing their stories, their experiences, and their lives with each other. If you've been thinking about blogging but haven't given it a try, come visit our
MSN Bookspace and read excerpts of our book. You can use it to help clients, friends, and family (and yourself!) begin to express those places in your soul that haven't been welcomed out in a while. They need love too, you know. :)
[No worries about privacy issues--with
MSN Spaces you can set up your space to be completely private so no one else--or only the people you specify--can read or see what you post on your space.]
If you aren't sure how you can use blogging (or our book) to help others tell their stories,
drop me a note. I'm a good blog coach! :)