Get together with other storytellers and listeners
I received a call for proposals from the NSN National Storytelling Conference 2007 yesterday. This year's conference is "Storytelling: Reflecting Our Past, Creating Your Future," and it will be held July 12-15, 2007 in St. Louis, Missouri. Here's the conference vision (I'm copying this from the email I received):
"The NSN National Storytelling Conference 2007 in St. Louis seeks to provide a meaningful, dynamic, and personally relevant experience for storytellers, story listeners, story users, and story advocates through a rich array of programming sharply focused on these aspects: critical review of the storytelling movement in the United States; the roles and responsibilities of the storytelling constituency, leadership, and alliances in the artistic, private, and public sectors of our society; expanding and increasing the value of storytelling across artistic/cultural/social/political/corporate/technical boundaries."
Wouldn't it be amazing to share a few days (and lots of stories) with hundreds of people in the helping professions who understand and work daily with the power of story? Here's the link to the conference info: Drop me a note if you plan to go!
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